
Showing posts with the label Erectile Dysfunction

Stronger immune system with Omega 3

 To understand the role of Omega 3 in the immune system, firstly, we have to know about the Immune system. The immune system is the complex defense system of specific organs called Lymph Nodes and the cells called Lymphocytes recognized as T-cells and B-cells. Both the parts work together to reach the unwanted/unidentified elements such as bad bacteria, virus or fungi (a kind of infection). The nodes are strategically housed in the entire body and check all the fluids as placed like a checkpoint. The Omega EFA’s designed for the entire development process and it is also involved in the development of T-cells. Omega 3 capsules have potential to increase the number of T-cell and activation of them simultaneously. This is the reason behind the praising of Omega 3 EFA’s to boost the immune system. The secondary matter is that if it is important to our fitness then why we need supplements, why don’t we get them from natural sources? It’s quite simple to say, but typical to follow, becau...